Saturday, August 29, 2015

Challenges of the Brave New Data World

Big data, and the automated algorithmic decisions that are increasingly being taken on the basis of it, are here to stay, so scientists, citizens, governments, and enterprises have the responsibility to consider both the benefits and the dangers of big data.

This was the inspiration behind the Hot Topic session ‘Brave New Data World’ during the third Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF), which took place Aug. 23-28 in Heidelberg, Germany, bringing together 200 young researchers from computer science and mathematics and 26 laureates of the most important awards in computer science and mathematics: the ACM A.M. Turing Award, the Nevanlinna Prize, the Fields Medal, and the Abel Prize.

Read the full article on the website of the ACM.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Allemaal op vakantie, robots aan het werk

Wat wordt de rol van robots in de nabije toekomst? Waar gaan ze ons helpen en welke banen gaan daardoor verdwijnen?

In het NTR-radioprogramma De Kennis van Nu spraken presentator Pieter van der Wielen en wetenschapsjournalist Bennie Mols hierover met Pieter Jonker, hoogleraar Vision based robotics aan de TU Delft, Eric Bartelsman, hoogleraar economie aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, en Vanessa Evers, hoogleraar Human Media Interaction aan de Universiteit Twente, geïnteresseerd in sociale robots.

Beluister de hele uitzending via de site van NPO Wetenschap.