SCIENCE JOURNALIST - WRITER - SPEAKER @ ClearScience42 ***** Specialized in artificial intelligence, robots, the brain and Alan Turing***Gespecialiseerd in kunstmatige intelligentie, robots, het brein en Alan Turing.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Human and artificial intelligence at TEDx Delft
This is me performing at a great TEDx Delft on Friday October 5:
"Like an airplane flies in a different way than a bird, robots and computers are intelligent in a different way than humans. And there is nothing wrong with that."
"There is one thing computers and robots will never ever be able to do...And that is to evolve from the apes."
"Forget about the idea that computers and robots are going to rule the world. If we want to improve the world, we have to think more about the best possible cooperation between human and artificial intelligence. How can man and machine become the best pair of tango dancers?"