SCIENCE JOURNALIST - WRITER - SPEAKER @ ClearScience42 ***** Specialized in artificial intelligence, robots, the brain and Alan Turing***Gespecialiseerd in kunstmatige intelligentie, robots, het brein en Alan Turing.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
George Whitesides: SIMPLICITY: a question of style and three easy pieces
On february 20, 2011 chemist George Whitesides gave a lecture at the AAAS-conference in Washington DC:
Simplicity: a question of style and three easy pieces
Whitesides is the most highly cited living chemist with a wonderful track record of scientific breakthroughs and inventions. In this lecture he claims that scientists should be guided much more by the concept of SIMPLICITY.
Listen here to my audio-recording:
After the lecture I have interviewed Whitesides both about simplicity and about cheap diagnostics for the Dutch national newspaper NRC Handelsblad. You can find the Dutch text of this article here.